Kjetil Kro Sørborg

Kjetil Kro Sørborg
Kjetil teaches theater at Vågsbygd high school on a daily basis, and is also active as a freelancer in various performing arts projects as an actor, director, playwright and project manager. Sørborg has a master’s degree in drama / theater from NTNU and is otherwise educated in drama / theater, music and history from UiA. In the period 2006-2013, he was employed at the Department of Scenic and Visual Sciences at the University of Agder.
Kjetil directed Kanon Produksjon’s production of THE DUMB WAITER, is the directing consultant for SCREAMS OF A BIRD…, and is involved as a director for a workshop around the development of the new stage text THE LUCKY SHIP, which will premiere in 2022.